Saturday, November 26, 2011


So this year for Thanksgiving we went to Grand Rapids, MI to visit my Grandpa aka Papa. We went out to eat at a restaurant and had a pretty good time. This is the 2nd time Evie has meet her Great Grandpa. He is 90 years old and still going strong. His mom lived till she was 98 and his Grandma till she was 97. (Don't quote me on the exact years, but approximately). Who knew that drinking, smoking, and no exercise is key to living long, proven by Papa. I'm pretty sure his mom and grandma didn't live that lifestyle. I wonder if those genes of steel will carry down to me.
I was excited for Evie to spend time with Papa. Papa is he opposite of emotional, or showing any emotion. He doesn't fit into the sweet old man category where you would climb up on his knee. I was actually kind of scared of him when I was young... and older. These are the words I typically heard Papa say, "Come here, Sit (pointing to the chair), read". And then maybe I would get an occasional chuckle or smile at the end if I commented correctly on what I was reading.

The only time you would know he is enjoying something is if he smiles. Which rarely happens. I first realized this when Mema, my Grandpa, pointed this out while buying a leaf blower machine. " Papa is one happy man, that's the biggest grin I've seen all week." And he was.

Although, if you asked specific questions he would definitely talk about them. Even though he never showed much expression I know he loved me growing up. He always made us something out of wood from his workshop. He spent time with us. And occasionally I get a smile.

I'm glad Evie got one.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

5 Months Old

Evie has been growing so fast we can hardly keep up. She is a bright, funny, happy little girl who likes going for walks in the cool Michigan air and loves her Jackie licking her toes.

We went for a little photo shoot around Cranbrook this fall. As usual the leaves were amazing.

Those big eyes are definitely from her Mama. But the blue...probably from Gammy Prince!

My favorite picture of Evie.

We can't wait to see what she will be doing next! Hopefully we will post before the next 5 months!