Wednesday, July 1, 2009

One reason why I want to save Detroit.

I know most of you are interested in seeing pictures and hearing news about our life in Dominica. However, overtime I have become blogging obsessed (sad to admit). It is through the many hours (so disappointing) of reading articles and looking at pictures that I have come to enjoy blogs that inspire, provoke questions ,and thoughts. Which is what I assume is the purpose of most blogs. What blogs inspire me? They are the ones that state current political issues, educational topics, recipes and areas of design: buildings, clothes, photography, etc. And while I interact with these things I think of what I want to become, how am I going to get there, what's the best path to take, how an item would look in my future house, and how I want my lifestyle from here on out to be viewed and enjoyed. It was through my escapade of perusing blogs I came across a website that I really enjoy, its called To most, it is obvious that my dream for the past few years has been to "save Detroit" (someone needs to do it). And I think these photos portray exactly what I want to do and why. I think these buildings are wonderful and have the potential to become communities, libraries, office spaces and homes. This link displays photos that sparks imagination, thought, wishes and desires about what I want to do in the future. I love buildings!! Old ones that can be rugged, weathered, dirty, and historical. Automatically I ask myself- who lived here, what were they like, and why are they gone. There is a history of curiosity. So who knows why I'm telling everyone this, maybe it's because it gives me something to do, but here is a little more knowledge about what goes on in the mind of Liz. And hopefully one day soon I will stop blogging and start doing.


  1. Cool, Liz. I think you have a few months to put together some sort of plan to save Detroit. :)

  2. It is amazing to see these old homes and wonder the life that existed in them before. When I look at the fraternities and sororities in Ann Arbor I am overwhelmed to think that was someone's home originaly. I am pleased that Julia likes homes with character, she hates cookie cutter subdivisions. I enjoy visitng large cities that have renovated neighborhoods and have quaint stores and restuarants in the old homes and businesses. You go Liz! Detriot needs you!

  3. I loved this site- I want one for every place I want to live :)
