Thursday, November 12, 2009

Exploring the island....over a month ago.

About a month ago I explored the island with some friends. It was super fun to get out and see more of what Dominica has to offer. Here they are:

Not too long into our journey I realized I had drank too much water. So we decided to pull off into a little town to use the bathroom, fill up on gas, and get directions. It ended up being a neat little place and the people were really nice. The houses looked especially colorful. We ended up using a bathroom at a laundry mat! Who knew they even existed down here!!! And to do one load it cost 2 ec, which is about 80 cents. Much cheaper compared to the 25 ec we have to pay to get a load of laundry done at home.
Random story that happened while we were stopping. A man in a car also pulled over to ask if I wanted to take his picture. I said no, but then I did. He asked if I was married or if I knew of any white girls that were looking for a husband. I told him I didn't know of any, but if I did I had his picture and would come back and tell him. Hahaha, we both laughed at that. Unfortunately the picture is too dark. So I didn't post it.


A church and cemetery.

Driving up a mountain in Dominica.
The entrance to Emerald Pool. This is the first trip I have been on with a groomed trail, signs, and an entrance pavilion with food. It was a nice experience, but definitely more touristy, hence the groomed path.
A face on a tree.
Emerald Pool.

Here I am walking to the waterfall. The pool wasn't very deep, but I still had to swim over. Or you could go the other way and climb over some rocks.

Me and the waterfall. So cute.

Here is the entrance to Trafalgar Falls. I haven't really explored the southern half of the island. Supposedly this is the desert side, and we live on the jungle side of the island. There was a noticeable change in the landscape and lushness, but it was still a jungle. I thought the cliffs were pretty cool.
One of the falls.
Me and both of the falls. This picture dosen't do them justice. They are huge!!! Like a 100 ft tall (maybe, I'm really bad at guessing distances/lengths). The waterfall on the left is hot, because it's a natural spring and has minerals in it. The right is cold. So the two come down and eventually form one river. But at the bottom of the falls is a bunch of rocks that create pools. So you sit in one hot and 5 feet away is freezing cold. And then there are a few in between. It was so much fun.
One of the hot pools that we sat in.
Unfortunately I didn't take more pictures, because we were climbing rocks and I didn't have Ben with me to hold the camera. I didn't trust myself. But hopefully you get the gist and I can take Ben there to get some more pics.

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