Monday, June 15, 2009

Toucari Bay

So Monday Ben and I were able to spend some time together. It was great. He finished his exam around 11:00 in the morning- so we decided to go to a beach farther north on the island. It was called Toucari Bay and was really nice. We were the only people there, except for some locals working in the small town making some beach shacks and the fisherman. In the picture above you can see I'm eating some of the picnic I brought with us. It was some super yummy Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches. We also went snorkeling for about 45 minutes. There were a lot of cool fish and I got stung yet again!!! Ridiculous. This time I booked it and left Ben behind after I got stung on the face. But we swam out pretty far- in the picture above we swam out to the tip of the bay. Then it kind of got to a drop off- and I freaked out and didn't want to swim any farther. Freaky- but Ben didn't think so.

Having fun. Notice Ben's sick mustache that I shaved earlier that day.

Fisherman with the fish they just caught. The owner of the boat got mad at Ben for taking pictures. Not happy at all- but we saw a member of the church there and him and I smoothed things over. It was pretty neat.

Crab on our front doorstep when we arrived home from the trip. Fun. We tried to catch it but it ran away.


  1. Locals get super crazy with you if you try to take their picture. I learned that the hard way at market one day. What a fun little crab on your doorstep. I bet he was waiting for you guys all afternoon and just wanted to make sure you got home safely :)

  2. That is a BIG crab! I don't think I like that as a welcome home gift.
    What's with you getting stung all the time? Are watching where you are swimming?

  3. I love your crab! ha! I always just ask if I can take a picture and they say yes and seem happy-- maybe the asking is the key--who knows?
