Monday, August 17, 2009

Caterpillar Attack!!

Slow yet again. I guess you are going to have to expect that from me (liz). Plan on a bi-weekly to weekly update on our lives. You would think I would have plenty of time to update the blog- which I do, but unfortunately I have become prone to island life and therefore have become lazy. Sad. Who knows if I will ever be able to adjust back. 10 hours of sleep has become a regular part of my routine- about 6 hours for Ben.

So this week we were attacked by caterpillars!! ARGH! Actually we weren't, but a tree down our road was. Earlier this week Ben and I were walking home from school when all the sudden Ben noticed a ton of leaves that fallen from the tree. Which was odd, because the caretaker had just cleaned the yard and there was no storm. It was when Ben looked up at the tree that we saw 60-80 caterpillars attacking the it!! It was crazy! Some of them were eating the stems and caused a ton of leaves to fall off. It was quite a site.

They were the big 5 inch long caterpillars that I had posted about earlier. Only some of these looked more like 6 or 7. They were huge, chubby, and fat. They have 8 stubby legs, some arms, and the red part is their head.

How many can you see? I think there are 9 in this picture.

This picture was taken at the end of the week. Notice how the tree doesn't have anymore leaves?! There's a few more still hanging out. I was hoping that they would make cocoons- but they all left.
Ben admiring the tree and caterpillars. I must have gotten bored.

Moving on.... Ben had his third exam last week and so after taking his test we were able to hangout for a bit. He still had to study because he has three more tests this week. Unfortunately, it seems like the days that Ben can play are the days when it rains. We decided to go outside anyways.

Indian Man.

We were waiting out the rain under a palm tree. Ben wasn't cooperating and letting me take his picture. But he did pose for this one. I like it. It looks like he could be on the cover of a book- like the Lord of the Flies or something.

Me in the rain. I don't know what to do in front of cameras- the peace signs seem to help. hahaha.

Now we are getting into some randoms. Above is a picture of the bay on our way to church. People were tearing down/burning a building on the way. While we were walking back it was completely gone. All in a days work.

Here are some of the girls in my nursery class at church. Fortunately one of us knows how to smile for the camera. And she's a cutie.

Me with some of the primary. I think about 5 more kids are missing. It turns out our branch is the second largest primary in our stake (which includes about 10 islands and some of Puerto Rico). We have about 20 kids.
And this is just a random pick I took today. I was walking along the beach and then walked up to campus. Ben and I sometimes take a secret route under the yoga deck and today I found this old fan. I wonder if it has been there every time I've used this path, and this was the first time I have noticed it. I thought it was pretty cool.


  1. yea for your new post-I love Ben's model pic- also your peace signs- so Japanese of you- fun!

  2. hey, i got your blog through the roys. i love the pic of you, lucy and xiomara all not smiling. :) very funny.

  3. okay... you had until sunday for a new post... it is now wednesday!!! what's going on? :)
